Qualitative Research

The mine for gold
nuggets of insight

What is it & when do you need it
Qualitative research is about really getting under the skin of people and discovering the unknown unknowns – surfacing insight beyond the knowledge gaps you were aware of. Simply put, if you have a question and you aren’t confident what all the possible answers could be, qual is the tool to tease out those elusive truths from your audiences.
What we do differently
Unlike many traditional market research agencies, our go-to is not focus groups. There’s a time and a place for them and we use them occasionally, for example when you want a healthy debate.
The majority of what we do involves 1-1 interactions; following someone around on their journey, running remote studies or having an ongoing conversation over weeks or months via community tools.

Example outcomes

Understanding audiences
Feedback on new propositions
Explanations to analytics
Mapping experiences and behaviours
Improving usability
Co-Creation sessions
Diary studies
Card sorting
Contextual walkthroughs
Usability testing
Jobs to be done
Feature prioritisation
1:1 Interviews
Proposition testing
Next gen focus groups
Speak to one of our researchers to find out more