
We work with some of the world's biggest brands to the smallest

Supporting brands of all sizes and sectors to make decisions on fresh uncovered truths.

cases studies
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Prototype testing a new innovative Panasonic shaver, exploring the function, ergonomics and aesthetics, then providing recommendations for product design and marketing approach.
Analysing B&Q’s innovation ideas and using insight to predict the commercial impact, allowing the company to invest in the right areas for growth.
Acting as an integrated insights team to enable LSEG and Microsoft to join forces. Answering various B2B research briefs to ensure a smooth transition.
Delivering global consumer segmentation to help the brand better understand their evolving customer landscape.
Using insight to guide Revoola to make the right design and content decisions to ensure excellent retention and usage of this leading digital health and wellbeing service.
Connecting the dots between customer, brand, and market insight to create segments to strengthen product brand and investment decisions helping HOKA grow in APAC.
Global segmentation to help Speedo focus brand and marketing, and shape future products.
Helping NatWest test new innovations across their customer platforms.
Creating rapid buying based segmentation to help guide Audi’s future plans and uncover the desired uptake of electric cars across America.
Working with Mettrr to generate insights that validate a business pivot prior to raising investment.
Supporting Lumon grow by creating segments for their B2B and B2C audiences allowing them to move from a B2B2C model only

Helping Brands, Agencies and Government