Custom insights, flexible approach

How you can work with us


We always start with your challenge

Tell us the insight challenge facing your business. We’ll advise on the best research method for authentic results.

Example Challenges
Know the global similarities and local variances of your audience
Find out how to appeal to certain audiences
Know which features will result in higher uplift
Validate your new proposition or campaign

Quantitative Research

Qualitive Research

Participant Recruitment


Pick the method that suits the purpose

We don’t have a preferred ‘hammer’. We don’t defer to templated solutions. Instead we have an extensive research toolkit and a team of diverse experts in both data and business. Put the two together, and you get innovative ways to nail the brief — we may even craft something new just for you.

Already have an
approach in mind?
What we do
Run a quant study to identify consumer attitudes to your brand and competitors
Recruit participants to take part in a study you’re running
Get a monthly performance tracker to keep on top of research
Carry out qualitative research to understand your audience’s needs
Identify segments and engage your audience


Genuine participants are just as important as a well designed study

We work with you to develop study details from the agreed approach, to maximise the insight you get from our panel and its powerful technology.

At ImpactSense, we are here to ensure you get genuine insights that you can put into action with confidence
That goes beyond good advice:
The way a question is phrased, the structure of a session, the welcome and context setting, the format and visual of a quant study, the type of segmentation…this all affects the type of insight you get back and how reliable it is.
Even if you write your own research plans, surveys or discussion guides, we will work alongside you to extract more data and reduce responders’ fatigue with carefully phrased questions, context, and engaging formats.


Insight your team can take into their own hands

Making research findings actionable is easier said than done. We walk our talk – with visual, intuitive presentations and dashboards, which allow even non-analysts to play with the data and apply findings to their disciplines.
We are meticulous in how we deliver our findings: ensuring reports translate data into meaningful insight clearly linked to your challenges, and suggesting specific recommendations against each business goal.

Applied Insights

Insight that you can cross-tab and dive deep into through an intuitive, interactive dashboard
Reports that include recommendation and a clear path to decisions
More cost-effective and faster than our competitors
In-house experts in marketing, product, and customer experience
Find the answers to make customer, brand or marketing decisions fast and affordable
Vetted participants that you can trust the responses of


Reasons our
clients come back again and again

Making research findings actionable is easier said than done. We walk our talk – with visual, intuitive presentations and dashboards, which allow even non-analysts to play with the data and apply findings to their disciplines.

Actionable insight, founded on robust data you can trust, that doesn’t cost the earth
Customised dashboards and reports like you’ve never seen before
Unique, blended team of experts in marketing, product, and customer experience
Our own panel of 48 million humans, which is infinitely segmentable
A flexible process that is cost-effective and fast

Customised dashboards and reports like you’ve never seen before
Customised dashboards and reports like you’ve never seen before
Unique, blended team of experts in marketing, product, and customer experience
Our own panel
of 48 million humans, which is infinitely segmentable
A flexible process that is cost-effective and fast
We’re always on hand and love to help clients grow through insight
Ready to truly understand your audience, brand, or the market? Send us your challenge or need today