Global breadth and depth.
You can have both

Our panel is made up of over 48 million individuals across 97 countries giving you direct access to the people who can give you the insight you need

Micro-targeting: from the backstreets to the boardroom

We segment in thousands of ways to allow us to micro-target participants however mainstream or niche they might be – and that of course covers B2B and B2C audiences.

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48 Million
business decision
ways to segment an audience
The confidence of bulletproof insight
We have a proprietary quality control loop that uses advanced technology strengthened with human intervention to guarantee confidence in any data we collect.
Our algorithms use strict and multi-layered targeting logic that assesses a participant’s responses as well as their historical behavioural profile to qualify them for any quantitative or qualitative study.
Once in field, we run continuous quality monitoring processes to identify people behaving outside of the norm within a study. That’s where our human strength comes in – our people have feedback loops to reporting into our technology unique data signatures of any bad actors to ensure they don’t enter the system again. This extra layer of security means that bad responses never count towards your target completes.
Meaning you get data that’s bulletproof for boardroom decision.
Let us help you gain insight from right people