Brand Insights and Trackers

Your brand is a unique and powerful asset – so is the research it deserves

It’s more important than ever to ensure focus on your brand’s relevance and impact as a basis for a strong footing in the market.  Brand is a dominant part of setting the agenda for the company experience and touch-points.

It’s more important than ever to ensure focus on your brand’s relevance and impact as a basis for a strong footing in the market
What we do
Cutting-edge brand studies and tracking methods
Surpassing one-size-fits-all methodologies
Bespoke measurement frameworks designed to track your progress
Delivering actionable insights to facilitate effective decision-making

Brand Tracking Methods

Traditional brand tracking for association strength

Best for highly visible brands where competition is fierce and share of mind is paramount to driving market share.

Needs-based brand tracking for customer understanding

Best for less visible brands where customer needs and behaviours are just as important as brand positions.

Brand and CX tracking for holistic measurement

Best for measuring your brand in the context of experience, offering a holistic view from traditional brand share through to conflict resolution.

Bespoke trackers

Best for less visible brands where customer needs and behaviours are just as important as brand positions.


Deep-dive Brand Studies

We offer custom research that operates as a standalone project, or as part of a connected study that is integrated with your brand tracker. We get to the story behind the headline – getting to the root cause through quant or qual research.

Example outputs
Fully interactive insight dashboards
Detailed insight debriefs
Brand planning sessions
Media deployment strategy
Annual & Quarterly brand plans
Root causal analysis
Connected quant & qual studies
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