Product Insights

Look before you leap. While you leap. And after.

Insight solidifies the knowledge bridge between your product and your audience. By validating propositions, prioritising a backlog, or generating rapid insight within development sprints, product insight can revolutionise both what you do and how you do it.

ImpactSense can help ensure you’re making safe bets that deliver your product roadmap with maximum impact to your objectives

What we do
Product insight beyond traditional testing methodologies, uncovering the untapped potential
Blending methods to identify unmet needs and continuously improve features and functionality
Iterative refinement based on deep understanding of user needs
Seamless integration of feedback across all stages of product development
Example outputs
Product needs
Feature prioritisation
Usability testing
Proposition testing
Community panel conversations
Product sprint insight
Price elasticity
Backlog creation and validation
Product market sizing
Reach out
for on-demand research