May 8, 2024

How to maximise your research effectiveness in 2024

This guide is for insights professionals responsible leading and commissioning market research in their organisation
May 8, 2024

Boost Your Market Research Impact in 2024: Essential Tips for Every Research Professional

Are you ready to elevate the impact of your research in 2024? As the pace of innovation accelerates and the complexity of customer journeys increases, the need for effective research has never been more critical. At ImpactSense, we've compiled a guide brimming with actionable insights designed to transform your approach and ensure that your research delivers not just data, but real strategic value.
In our guide, we address a concerning issue: 65% of research professionals doubt the effectiveness of current research methods in delivering actionable insights. This guide not only explores this challenge but provides eight transformative tips to enhance research effectiveness.

Here’s a sneak peek at what you’ll learn:

  1. Engage All Stakeholders: Bridge the 18% effectiveness gap between research commissioners and implementers by involving all relevant parties throughout the research process.
  2. Balance Perspectives: Gain a well-rounded view by including both current customers and prospects in your research scope.
  3. Emulate Real Environments: Ditch artificial settings for naturalistic observation to gather more authentic data.
  4. Discover Genuine Needs: Avoid direct queries about new ideas; instead, explore implicit needs and desires.
  5. Choose Purpose Over Method: Opt for mixed methods to achieve deeper insights and more nuanced understandings.
  6. Keep Insights Alive: Utilise the latest tools to create dynamic, interactive reports that extend the life of your research findings.
  7. Customise Reporting: Tailor your final reports to engage and inform your specific audience effectively.
  8. Leverage AI: Enhance your research capabilities with AI, from predictive analytics to advanced data processing.

Each tip in our guide is backed by research and proven practices that leading global brands are already using to stay ahead. Whether you’re fine-tuning your strategies or seeking to overhaul your approach, this guide is an invaluable resource.

Ready to Transform Your Research Approach?

Don't miss out on the full guide which offers deeper insights and more detailed strategies. Download it today by entering your details into the form below and start making a tangible impact with your research projects!

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